
Prayer Ministry

Prayer is at the heart of the church. Without talking to God, how can we know His desires or His plans for us? It’s only through our connection with God as a body of believers that we can know, and therefore do, His will.

Every Wednesday evening, our church holds prayer meeting. During this time, we study God’s word together and seek the Lord’s intervention and leading in our lives as individuals and as a church family. Also, a yearly week of prayer is planned. Every evening during week of prayer, everyone is invited to pray, study Scripture, and share together.

Additionally, the church also has a prayer chain. When a church member or someone in the community asks for prayer they are shared with our whole congregation either during church services or by phone or test message, so we can individually and collectively bring those requests to the feet of Jesus, asking for His help and intercession. We also have a Facebook group page for prayer requests and for updates on people we are praying for. We are living in troubling times. So many of our friends and family are suffering from illness or injury. Many are out of work or looking for housing. We believe in the power of prayer and our Father's ability and delight in answering our requests.

We also have a prayer team. This team works together to focus on praying for the church body and any particular prayer requests the church may receive from individuals who prefer to keep their requests private. We believe in the power of prayer and our Father's ability and delight in answering our requests. Please let us know if you have a need for prayer. You can get in touch with us by calling 304-872-6958 or emailing

Women's Ministry

Women’s ministry embraces the belief that God loves us and wants women to bond together. Nourishing the hearts and minds of the ladies of our congregation and community is our goal. We strive to create a safe place where women from all backgrounds can come together to laugh, share, cry, and grow in the Lord.

Activities range from PJ and popcorn movie night to small group Bible study and intimate sharing time to a girls’ weekend camping at a local cabin rental to sewing day for It’s My Very Own (you can read about this under It’s My Very Own ministry tab).

Everyone is welcome and valued. Please join us, ladies, for a wonderful time together!

Men's Ministry

Nearly all men agree that they need each other. A new ministry department of our church, men’s ministry aims to bring men of the congregation and community together for relaxing, Jesus-focused time together.

Bonfire singalongs, weekend breakfasts, golfing days, small group Bible study, and days fishing and swimming at the lake are among the things men’s ministry intends to do. What a great time together in the presence of our Creator! Guys, come join us. We’d love to have you!

Young Adults Ministry

Young adults are dear to the heart of God. Jesus was a young adult at the height of His ministry on Earth. He knows what we go through. He knows we may have questions about God, the Bible, and where we fit into this big thing called life. And He invites us to dive in and find what we’re searching for. He wants us to know Him.

Young adult ministry is a growing ministry in our church. We intend to start a small group where young adults can come together and safely be real with each other. While together, questions can be discussed, problems solved, Bible topics explored, friendships formed, and Jesus met.

As young adult ministry continues to grow, we trust that God will lead us in helping to meet the spiritual needs of young adults in our church and the local community. If you’re a young adult wanting to learn more or in need of a family in Jesus, please come join us!

Correspondence Bible Study

Bible study is an essential part of life and church activity. It’s by studying God’s word that we get to know Him better, and are reminded that He knows where we’ve been and wants to lead us into what He’s planned for us, as individuals and as a body of believers.

Correspondence Bible study is a branch of ministry that focuses on helping others who desire to learn more about the Bible do so. Whether in person, by phone, by mail, or by drop-off Bible study guides, this ministry team engages with Bible study contacts both in the church family and in the local community.

As people study and learn, and as relationships are formed, the team invites them to join us for church services and to become a part of God’s family. Time is respected, as are personal boundaries.

If you are interested in learning more about the Bible and your Savior, Jesus, please contact us. We would be happy to study with you!

Community Services Ministry

As followers of Christ, service is at the heart of what we do. Community service has many different faces, but all-in-all is grounded in helping other people. Our church works to serve our local community.

Partnering with our church school, our back pack ministry serves low income children from the Glade Creek Elementary School, providing them with a bag of food for every weekend that school is in session. Weekly backpacks are packed by our Summersville SDA Church School students. Stuffed with an array of snacks and yummy foods, the children learn early on that it is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35).

Our oil change ministry helps low income individuals get free oil changes. Recipients also receive a gift that includes something to help them look to the Lord as their help and stay.

Christmas time celebrates the fact that the Father gave us the most perfect gift that could ever be bestowed on anyone - His one and only Son, Jesus. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, our church family has felt divinely impressed to help families in need at Christmas time. We want them to experience the joy that comes from knowing Christ, and to know that He cares about them. Krista’s Kitchen Fund sponsors this yearly activity. Clothes, toys, games, essential household items, and food are wrapped up and delivered to unsuspecting families right before Christmas. Each family also receives a gift that points them to Jesus. God has truly blessed this cause, and we believe He will continue to do so. If you’d like to donate to Krista’s Kitchen Fund, please contact us and know we truly appreciate your generous support.

Our church's Community Service Ministry includes helping individuals on a limited basis with emergency needs. Our church works with other local churches in the community to help sponsor individuals who need some help when life is tough. Jesus said that when we serve others, we are really serving Him (Matthew 25:40).

We are currently exploring and praying over other areas in which our church family can be of service to our local community. Please lift us up in prayer, asking the Lord that we will know and do His will.


Life skills and fun join hands with Pathfinders and Adventurers. While each of these groups target different ages, both work to help children learn and master skills such as wilderness survival, cooking, camping, swimming, Bible study, Scripture memorization, community service, wildlife education, music, lego robotics, and so much more!

Our church is just a small part of a much larger organization. Pathfinder clubs from literally all over the world come together for a week of Biblethemed interaction, learning, and delightful fun every five years in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Upwards of 50,000 campers join forces to learn about Jesus and share their skills. A great opportunity to learn about different cultures, friends are made and God is lifted up.

If you have questions or your child would like to be a part of this ministry, please contact us. We would be blessed to meet you.

Children's Ministries

Jesus said to let the little children come to Him (Matthew 4:19). Our church family aims to do just that.

Every Sabbath morning, special interactive programs are held for the children. Cradle roll programs are for children up to kindergarten age, Primary programs for elementary school age children, and Pre-Teen programs for early teenagers. During the programs, children sing songs, do crafts, learn Bible stories, and mingle with their friends. All activities are focused on learning more about their best friend, Jesus, and how much He loves them.

We also have a children’s story each Sabbath during the church service to help children understand and know that they are an important part of our church family, and we strive to meet their spiritual needs, too.

Yearly, we host a Vacation Bible School. The church holds a week-long nightly children’s program that focuses on activities very much like Sabbath school, just in a less formal setting. The week is a time of themed fun for the children, and they are encouraged to invite their friends from the community.

Part of the church campus includes a school. State approved and Bible based, the curriculum focuses on strong academic content while always lifting up the truth of God’s word and the message of salvation through Jesus Christ alone. Students consistently score above the national average during yearly standardized testing. But the most important thing is that they have the freedom to learn about Jesus, their Savior, and to worship Him in peace.

Please feel free to contact us if you have further questions regarding enrollment of your child in the church school. Financial assistance is available when necessary. We would love to assist you with the education of your children.

It's My Very Own Ministry

Jesus loves kids! It’s that simple. We love kids, too. It’s My Very Own is a branch of church ministry that focuses on helping reach the needs of children in our community.

For various reasons, many children are taken out of their homes and placed in the foster care system. Often, this is a very difficult and scary process for them. That’s where we step in to help make this hardship a little easier to bare.

Our church’s chapter, Jesus Loves Kids, works to make quilted/material bags filled with toys, essential items, books, and a quilt to give to these children. Each child gets their own age and gender appropriate bag. It’s something that they will keep with them no matter where they stay. We work with the local DHHR to establish what types of bags are needed and to distribute the bags.

We pray that this ministry will help kids know that God loves them and that He is always with them.


Summersville SDA School


Friends R Fun Child Development Center


55 Friends R Fun Drive
Summersville, WV 26651

Get directions

Every Saturday

10:00am: Sabbath School

11:15am: Worship Service

11:15am: Livestream

1st & 3rd Saturdays

1:00pm: Potluck


7:00pm: Prayer Meeting